Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wind's A-Blowin!

We're getting a little stir crazy as we wait for Baby to come, so I took my brother up for his first multi-pitch rock climb today. Eldorado's Wind Tower lived up to its name as we climbed the 3 pitches of Wind Ridge in mid-40 F temperature. Poor Charles' feet were freezing and he had to take them off at each belay to bring the color back to them. Pretty amazing to this New England kid that we are able to rock climb at all less than a week away from Christmas!! We climbed great...about1.5 hours bottom to top and then about 45 mins on the descent. All this with a partner who hadn't tied in, nor belayed in almost two years! Way to go Charles! It was fantastic and so much more fun since I was with my brother!

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