Thursday, December 10, 2009

O Christmas Tree....

Baby is almost here!!
We got a permit this year from the Forest Service to cut ourselves a Christmas Tree.

It's Baby's first trip into the mountains (though they probably didn't realize it at the time!)
Brenda did fantastic on the short (1/4 mile) but steep uphill hike to the cutting area. We hunted around for quite some time until we found the perfect one!

It was really nice to get out and play in the snow...all could think of was how much fun this will be next year when Baby can help us choose the tree.

It was fun to be a logger...though our hippy sentiment did cause us to turn down a really great tree; It was growing by itself and was beautiful and full...we didn't have the heart to cut down a tree that was obviously going to be successful. The tree we cut was from a closely bunched stack and it's removal will let a lot of light in to the trees nearby.
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1 comment:

Mrs. Halligan said...

You guys look great- especially Brenda! Can't wait to see pics of baby. XXXOOO from worcester