Sunday, December 27, 2009

Let it Snow!!!

Is there anything better than a white Christmas? How about one spent sledding with 2 and 3 year olds!? We spent Christmas eve with Charles and Natalia, and Chip, Holly and the boys and while dinner was being prepared (by the temporarily sidelined 10 months pregnant Brenda) we got in a few runs on their new sled!
My highlight was a very slow and controlled fall while on the saucer sled with William. As we sat back up you could tell he was exhilarated..but a bit ratttled. This two year old turned to me and said "You ok?" We quickly laughed it off and trudged up the the time we got to the top, he was already asking for his next ride!!!
We also saw the hints of a burgeoning alpinist in Foster as he told me he liked climbing the mountain and how he wanted to go climb more mountains with me!!!

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