Saturday, January 2, 2010

She's Here!!!

Ladies and long last....The star of our show has arrived!!! Yvonne "Evie" Rose Parker was born on 12/30/09 at 8:18PM. Her Mama was a superstar and all three of us are resting and recuperating at home. It's always hear parents gush about their kids and, to be honest, I always thought they were hamming it up a bit for the audience. I now know the truth, and I can tell you that my Daughter is the most beautiful, most perfect being on this planet. We are looking forward to sharing so many adventures with you....stay tuned!


MB said...

Look at that fantastic head of hair! She is beautiful!

Unknown said...

I can't believe all that hair! I love her to bits - she is too adorable. We can't wait to meet her and look forward to reading the blog.
Hugs and love,
AD, Greg, Chazze & Ben

Jeanne said...

congratulations, jim and brenda! each time i see a picture of jim holding little evie i can't get over the fact that he's a dad -- somehow the mom aspect for brenda is a bit easier seeing as she's been hosting little evie for the past 10 months. anyway, enjoy your first few precious weeks together before returning to work. hugs and sunshine to you!